Install FluDAG

This document explains how to install FluDAG, assuming you have already installed the required dependencies.


As before, this guide assumes that you are building DAGMC in the subdirectory dagmc_bld of your home directory.

The first step is to clone the DAGMC repository.

$ cd $HOME/dagmc_bld
$ mkdir DAGMC
$ cd DAGMC
$ git clone
$ cd DAGMC
$ git checkout develop
$ git submodule update --init

Install FLUKA

FluDAG uses FLUKA from CERN/INFN. In order to download FLUKA you need to become a registered user, which you can do at the FLUKA registration page.

Save your user ID and password for future FLUKA updates. We recommend an x64 worfklow and thus you should download the 64-bit executable. The name of the downloaded tarball is of the form fluka20xx.xx-linux-gfor64bitAA.tar.gz. Refer to the installation instructions when building FLUKA.

Take care to follow the FLUKA site instructions when setting the $FLUPRO and $FLUFOR environment variables.

Configure FluDAG

First, create and enter the build directory.

$ cd $HOME/dagmc_bld/DAGMC
$ ln -s DAGMC src
$ mkdir bld
$ cd bld

Then, choose where you want to install DAGMC. This is where the binaries, libraries, header files, etc. will be placed. This guide uses $INSTALL_PATH to represent this location.


CMake variables are used to configure DAGMC with your desired build options. A few examples will be shown here, but you can see a list of all possible options here.

The following CMake command will build FluDAG. Note that $FLUPRO should have previously been defined as part of the FLUKA install.

$ cmake ../src -DMOAB_DIR=$HOME/dagmc_bld/MOAB \
               -DBUILD_FLUKA=ON \
               -DFLUKA_DIR=$FLUPRO \

If the CMake configuration proceeded successfully, you are now ready to install DAGMC.

Build FluDAG

Use Make to install FluDAG.

$ make
$ make install

If the build was successful, the binaries, libraries, header files, and tests will be installed to the bin, lib, include, and tests subdirectories of $INSTALL_PATH respectively.

Test FluDAG

To run the FluDAG unit tests, use

$ cd $INSTALL_PATH/tests
$ ./fludag_unit_tests

If the tests ran successfully, the last few lines of the screen output will look like this:

[       OK ] FluDAGTest.GFireGoodPropStep (5 ms)
[----------] 3 tests from FluDAGTest (108 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 3 tests from 1 test case ran. (108 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 3 tests.


We regularly run the DAGMC test suite on CircleCI as part of our continuous integration system. You may however wish to run the tests yourself in order to verify you have installed DAGMC correctly.

If the tests have completed successfully, you are now ready to run your first DAGMC problem. See the DAGMC user’s guide for more information.