DAGMC CMake variables¶

This page describes the specific CMake variables that affect the DAGMC build. Note that unless set, all boolean options default to OFF.

  • -DMOAB_DIR=/path/to/moab Path to MOAB.

  • -DBUILD_MCNP5=ON Build DAG-MCNP5. (Default: OFF)

  • -DBUILD_MCNP6=ON Build DAG-MCNP6. (Default: OFF)

  • -DMCNP5_DATAPATH=/path/to/mcnp/data Set the path where the DAG-MCNP5 executable will look for nuclear data. If this variable is not set, it will look for the data in the location specified by the $DATAPATH environment variable instead.

  • -DMCNP6_DATAPATH=/path/to/mcnp/data Set the path where the DAG-MCNP5 executable will look for nuclear data. If this variable is not set, it will look for the data in the location specified by the $DATAPATH environment variable instead.

  • -DBUILD_MCNP_PLOT=ON Enable DAG-MCNP5/6 plotting capability. (Default: OFF)

  • -DBUILD_MCNP_MPI=ON If building DAG-MCNP5/6, build MPI versions. (Default: OFF)

  • -DBUILD_MCNP_PYNE_SOURCE=ON If building DAG-MCNP5/6, build with PyNE mesh source routine support. (Default: OFF)

  • -DBUILD_FLUKA=ON Build FluDAG and the fludag library. If this option is turned on, -DFLUKA_DIR must also be specified. (Default: OFF)

  • -DFLUKA_DIR=/path/to/fluka Set the path to Fluka. It should typically be set to the $FLUPRO environment variable.

  • -DBUILD_GEANT4=ON Build DAG-Geant4 and the DagSolid library. If this option is turned on, -DGEANT4_DIR must be specified. (Default: OFF)

  • -DGEANT4_DIR=/path/to/geant4 Set the path to Geant4.

  • -DBUILD_TALLY=ON Build the DagTally interface. (Default: ON)

  • -DBUILD_BUILD_OBB=ON Build the build_obb tool. (Default: ON)

  • -DBUILD_MAKE_WATERTIGHT=ON Build the make_watertight tool. (Default: ON)

  • -DBUILD_TESTS=ON Build unit tests where appropriate. (Default: ON)

  • -DBUILD_CI_TESTS=ON Build everything needed to run the continuous integration tests. (Default: OFF)

  • -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON Build shared libraries. (Default: ON)

  • -DBUILD_STATIC_LIBS=ON Build static libraries. (Default: ON)

  • -DBUILD_STATIC_EXE=ON Build static executables. (Default: OFF)

  • -DBUILD_PIC=ON Build with position-independent code. (Default: OFF)

  • -DBUILD_RPATH=ON Build with RPATH functionality. (Default: ON)