Manual Syntax

command line A term written in red text indicates that there is a section in the manual on this term.
Text that is written in courier new indicates actual code syntax.
<OPTION> The term option in brackets indicates a choice in syntax. These choices are given in the option description section of the corresponding file description.

Time Based Input

Some input elements represent times and can be defined in a number of different units. When this is the case, the floating point time value should be followed by a single character representing the following units:
[m]inute 60 seconds
[h]our 60 minutes
[d]ay 24 hours
[w]eek 7 days
[y]ear 52 weeks
[c]entury 100 years

Sample inputs - the following are equivalent:

  • 10 d
  • 240 h
  • 14400

Length Units

Centimeters should be used for all length units.