Error Messages

Error Message Types

Example Error Message

Error name/number: 130: Invalid dimension type: <string>
Description: The type of dimension, string, declared in the dimension block is not supported.

Command-line Parsing

0: Option <string> is not implemented yet.

An unsupported command-line option was specified: string.

1: Only one input filename can be specified: <string>.

There appears to be more than one input filename on the command-line. This may be caused by an error in the other command line options, or a missing option.

Input Phase

Note: All error messages which occur during the input phase may not report the accurate cause of the error. If there is an error in the input file, ALARA may not immediately recognize the error and then report an error during some later input block. This is particularly true during the first step, reading the input file itself.

Read Input File

100: Invalid token in input file: <string>

There is an error in the input file causing it to read an invalid keyword.

101: Unable to open included file: ‘<string>’.

The file string included in one of the input files can not be opened.

110: Unable to open material library: <string>

The file string specified in the material_lib input block cannot be opened.

111: Unable to open element library: <string>

The file string specified in the element_lib input block cannot be opened.

120: Invalid units in cooling time: <time> <units>

The specified cooling time does not have one of the supported time units.

121: No after-shutdown/cooling times were defined.

The cooling input block contains no information before the end keyword.

130: Invalid dimension type: <string>

The type of dimension, string, declared in the dimension block is not supported.

131: Dimension has no boundaries

The dimension block has no zone boundary information before the end keyword.

140: Invalid flux type: <string>

The flux type, string, specified in the flux block in not supported.

150: Invalid geometry type: <string>

The geometry type, string, specified in the geometry block is not supported.

160: History <string> is empty

The history input block, string, contains no information before the end keyword.

170: Material Loading is empty.

The mat_loading input block contains no information before the end keyword.

180: Target materials for reverse calculations can only be elements or isotopes and not ‘<string>’

The constituent type, string, given for this target material is not supported. It must be either ‘’element’’ or ‘’isotope’‘.

181: Invalid material constituent: <string>

The constituent type, string, specified for this mixture constituent is not supported.

182: Mixture <string> has no constituents

The mixture input block, string, contains no information before the end keyword.

190: Invalid units in pulse level: <time> <units>

The specified pulse level decay time does not have one of the supported time units.

200: Schedule <string> is empty

The schedule input block, string, contains no information before the end keyword.

210: Invalid units in schedule item delay time: <time> <units>

The specified inter-schedule delay time does not have one of the supported time units.

211: Invalid units in single pulse time: <time> <units>

The specified pulse length does not have one of the supported time units.

230: Output type ‘<string>’ is not currently supported.

The output type, string, specified for this output format is not supported.

240: Unable to open dump file <string>

The output ‘’dump’’ file could not be opened.

Input Checking

300: Cannot define both zone dimensions and interval volumes.

ALARA does not permit the geometry to be defined with both the dimension input block and the volumes input block. This would result in redundant and possibly inconsistent input.

301: A material loading is given for more zones (<loaded_zones>) than are defined by the zone dimensions (<zone_dimensions>). Those extra zones are being ignored.

The number of zones as defined by the mat_loading input block does is larger than the number defined by the dimension blocks. This is permissible, but may lead to dubious results. The extra zones from the mat_loading block will be ignored.

302: Material loadings were not defined for as many zones (<loaded_zones>) as were defined by the zone dimensions (<zone_dimensions>).

The number of zones as defined by the mat_loading input block is smaller than the number defined by the dimension blocks. This is NOT permissible as it would leave some zones unfilled.

303: Must define either zone dimensions or interval volumes for multi-point problems.

ALARA requires a definition of the geomery using either the dimension input block or the volumes input block for problems in more than 0 dimensions.

310: Could not find element <string> in element library.

The element string was not found in the element library. This could be due to an error in the material library, incorrect user input, or an omission in the element library.

311: Could not find material <string> in material library.

The material string was not found in the material library. This could be due to incorrect user input or an omission in the element library.

330: Duplicate dimensions of type <string>.

The dimension string was defined more that once in the input file.

331: <string1> geometries don’t have dimensions of type <string2>.

The dimension type string2 was defined for geometry type string1, which does not allow this kind of dimension.

340: Unable to open flux file <string1> for flux <string2>.

In the flux definition string2 the given flux file string1 cannot be opened.

350: Toroidal problems with zone dimensions require a major radius.

All problems defined as having toroidal geometries must define a major radius with the major_radius input block.

351: Toroidal problems with zone dimensions require either a :term:`minor radius <major and minor radii of toroidal geometries>` or a radius dimension.

All problems defined as having toroidal geometries must define a minor radius with either a dimension block or the minor_radius input block.

370: Zone <string1> is loaded with a non-existent mixture: <string2>

The mixture string2 specified to fill zone string1 in the mat_loading block is not defined in the input file. Either add a new mixture definition or change the name of the mixture to be used for this zone.

380: Constituent type ‘l’ of mixture <string1> references a non-existent mixture: <string2>

The mixture string2 specified in the ‘’similar’’ constituent of mixture string1 is not defined in the input file. Either add a new mixture definition or change the name of the mixture to be used for this definition.

400: Unable to find top level schedule. A top level schedule must not used as a sub-schedule.

All of the defined schedules are referenced as sub-schedules of other schedules. This means that there is no top to the hierarchical schedule system, as required.

410: Flux <string1> for simple pulse item of schedule <string2> does not exist.

The flux string1 required to calculate the simple pulsing schedule item of schedule string2 is not defined.

411: Bad flux file for flux <string> for simple pulse item of schedule <string>.

The file for flux <string1> required to calculate the simple pulsing schedule item of schedule <string2> cannot be opened.

412: Schedule recursion: <string>.

There is a loop in the schedule hierarchy. This implies an infinitely long and infinitely complex total irradiation history, which is unphysical. Check the definition of the schedules.

413: Schedule <string1> for subschedule item of schedule <string2> does not exist.

The sub-schedule string1 defined as a schedule item of schedule string2 has not been defined.

414: Pulse history <string1> for item of schedule <string2> does not exist.

The pulsing history string1 required to calculate a schedule item of schedule string2 has not been defined.

420: Zone <string> specified in interval volumes was not found in the material loading.

The zone string specified to contain one of the volumes in the volumes input block does not exist.

440: ALARA now requires a binary dump file. Openning the default file ‘alara.dmp’.

ALARA uses a binary file to store intermediate results. You can set the name of this file using the dump_file input block. Otherwise, the default is used.

Input Cross-referencing

580: Removing mixture <string> not used in any zones.

Mixture string was defined in the input file, but is not used in any zones. It’s definition is being removed.

620: You have specified too few normalizations. If you specifiy any normalizations, you must specify one for each interval.

The spatial_norm input block must contain an entry for each of the fine mesh intervals. It is not permissible to have too few.

621: You have specified too many normalizations. Extra normalizations will be ignored.

It is permissible to define too many spatial normalizations, but the results may by dubious. The extra normalizations will be ignored.

622: Flux file <string> does not contain enough data.

The flux file string does not contain enough data to provide a flux for each of the fine mesh intervals.

Data Library Errors

1000: Data library type <string> (<type_code>) is not yet supported.

The specified library type string is not supported.

1001: Conversion from <string1> (<type_code>) to <string2> (<type_code>) is not yet supported.

Conversion between the specified library types string1 and string2 is not supported.

1001: Conversion from <string> (<type_code>) to (<type_code>) is not yet supported.

Conversion between the specified library types string1 and <type_code> is not supported.

1100: You have specified library type ‘alaralib’ but given the filename of an ‘adjlib’ libra

The type of library specified in the input block must match the internally recorded library type.

1101: You have specified library type ‘alaralib’ but given the filename of an unidentified library.

The type of library specified in the input block must match the internally recorded library type.

1102: You have specified library type ‘adjlib’ but given the filename of an ‘alaralib’ library.

The type of library specified in the input block must match the internally recorded library type.

1103: You have specified library type ‘adjlib’ but given the filename of an unidentified library.

The type of library specified in the input block must match the internally recorded library type.

Programming Errors


In some places, if ALARA reaches that point in the program, it implies an error in the logic of the code. Please report such errors to the code author.

-1: Memory allocation error: <string>

An error in the runtime allocation of memory occured. ‘<string>’ reports the function and variable where the error occurred.

9000: Programming Error:…